Female genital mutilation in South Africa

Barbara KituiAuthor: Barbara Kitui
LLM (Human Rights & Democartisation in Africa)  student, Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is one of the cultural practises embedded amongst the Venda community of north-east of South Africa. Eight weeks or less after childbirth, Venda women undergo a traditional ceremony called muthuso. Muthuso is a process of cutting the vaginal flesh of the mother by a traditional healer. The flesh is mixed with black powder and oil and applied on the child’s head to prevent goni. Goni has been described as a swelling on the back of a child’s head. The Venda people believe that goni can only be cured using the vaginal flesh of the child’s mother. Women who experienced FGM stated that they bleed excessively after the ceremony. Moreover, the women stated that there is no postnatal care in Venda. Consequently, the women use traditional medicine and sometimes this leads to death because of substandard treatment.

Vendas also practises FGM as initiation for girls into womanhood. The girls reside in a ‘nonyana’ hut for 24 hours until an appointed day when an old woman performs the clitoris cutting by the river banks.  The girls are branded with a mark on their thighs as evidence of having attended initiation.

Migrants in South Africa including Sudanese and other African communities continue practising FGM. The families invite women into their homes who clandestinely circumcise often despite pleas from the girls. Herbs are applied to the cut places to quicken the healing. The girls are often traumatised following the practise.

The World Health Organisation does not list South Africa as a country where FGM is practised. In 2005 during the deliberation of the Children Bill, the South African Girl Child Alliance (SAGCA) presented a report highlighting the non-existence of FGM to South African parliamentarians on the Social Service Select Committee. The SAGCA report indicated that during the initiation ceremonies for women, there was no FGM being practised.

Article 5(a) of the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women obligates state parties to ensure that all cultural practises that violate the rights of women are eliminated.

Regionally, the Protocol to the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child on the Rights of Women in Africa imposes a duty on state parties under articles 8(f) and 2 to institute measures that prohibit all forms of harmful practises. Article 5 obliges governments to engage in public awareness against FGM, to enact legislation prohibiting FGM and to provide victim support for women affected by the effects of FGM.

Sections 30 and 31 of the 1996 South African Constitution provide for the right to culture which must be done in compliance with the Bill of Rights. Section 211 of the Constitution recognises the existence of cultural institutions which must comply with the Constitution.

South Africa enacted subsidiary legislation to address FGM. The Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act (Equality Act) outlaws discrimination of any person on grounds of gender and culture, including FGM. Under section 12(2) (a), the Children’s Act explicitly prohibits genital mutilation or circumcision of female children as opposed section 8(b) Equality Act which only prohibits discrimination based on FGM.

Government and civil societies need to reflect on FGM

The South African government has engaged in initiatives to curb FGM, for example national research and sensitization workshops where FGM is prevalent in liaison with government departments of health, culture and education. There is no acknowledgment by the government that FGM exists in South Africa. Most information obtained on FGM in South Africa is based on research by individuals or international organisations.

Culture is an aspect of African traditions that cannot be easily dispensed with. Despite the fact that international treatises deem FGM as an immense violation of human rights to females, those who practise FGM perceive it as a rite of passage and an avenue for children to receive protection from their mothers while eight weeks after birth.

In order to curb FGM, there is need for government to continue partnering with civil societies to sensitize communities and encourage them to reflect on the implication of FGM and make a conscious decision to end the practise.

About the Author:
Kitui Barbara is currently a postgraduate student pursuing the LLM in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa at the University of Pretoria. As part of the LLM, Kitui undertook a field research in Venda, South Africa, under the topic ‘Hindrances to the fulfillment of the right to maternal healthcare in Venda.’ Other sources used for this research can be found here. Kitui worked as a Legal Officer with the Foundation for Human Rights Initiative in Uganda before joining the LLM programme.

81 Comments on “Female genital mutilation in South Africa”

  1. T.A Mphasha says:

    Nice topic and for me it was educational rather than just realisation of what is happening in women’s world .but is curbing the practice of FGM by government not against the traditional and cultural practice of those cultures that practice FGM?

    • Barbara Kitui says:

      Thanks for your comment. Curbing the practice of FGM by government is not against cultures that practice FGM. Traditional leaders in South Africa are obliged to exercise cultural practices compatible with the South Africa Constitution. Sections 30 and 31(2) of the Constitution prohibit the enjoyment of cultures which are inconsistent with any provision of the Bill of Rights. FGM is inconsistent with the Constitution because it infringes on the right to human dignity, health, privacy and leads to physical harm and can infringe on the right to life.

  2. Ms. Banda says:

    This article is very insightful. The challenge left for we the human rights activists is to educate communities on the need to eliminate harmful practices and to engage our governments to facilitate the proces. Thank you for this educational tool Miss Kitui.

  3. Josua says:

    Thank you for the article Kitui! With work such as this you are bound to make a change!

  4. Ashwanee says:

    Being in the field has given you a very good insight of this problem and this article clearly highlights that although the government has to respect the culture of a community, it cannot turn a blind eye to the human rights violations occurring in the process. I hope the government comes up with concrete action to combat this phenomenon. Good job!

    • Science Watch says:

      The Culture changes as ones values change. Governments are useless to effect deep cultural change through legislation.

      See why Nigeria’s culture is experiencing massive positive change :

      The true power of the spirit world is demonstrated in its purest form.
      See it happening 24hrs a day, 7 days a week.

      I have seen everyone with psychological disorders healed very rapidly.
      There are too many human problems that science cant cure but they will accept the case anyway and make money out of the suffering. What is the root cause of psychological problems ?

      See it happening 24hrs a day, 7 days a week.

      The best place to truthfully learn all about the invisible spirit world, how it causes depression etc, dreams and how dreams and spirits effect our lives and the value of true knowledge is on Emmanuel.tv or Dstv CH 390 24hrs daily. See real people and listen carefully to their own testimonies. Scoan in Lagos, Nigeria has been examined by independent international spiritual leaders.

      Here you will also learn why you must not pay for Spiritual healings.
      It is written : “Freely the gift of healing is given to you, freely it must be given to those that need it”.

      Dont believe any critics on this matter. The most powerful international spiritual investigative teams have confirmed it all as verifiable TRUTH.

  5. paul says:

    The pressure is on. But, will the South African government finally rise up to the ocassion?

  6. Ron says:

    I don’t think it’s really a question of stopping the practice, but the object is to have the best aftercare possible. Very complex problem and one should not be flippant about this at all.

  7. Aluwani says:

    I am surprised as well as disturbed by the content of your article above. Without discrediting the content could you please provide more info on how you arrived at the facts as presented. As this is a website of an academic institution I’d hope that you are in possession of evidence for what you refer to as a practice for Vha-venda people.

    I’d appreciate if you can share the evidence with me. I’m prepared to engage further with you on this as I’m Mu-venda and I’ve never come across evidence of such practice although they’ve been tales of such taking place in our history.

    • Barbara Kitui says:

      Thanks for your comment. Your remarks echo the highly contested issue surrounding FGM in South Africa. It is true that FGM is practiced amongst the Venda.

      The research was based on my field research conducted in Venda during March 2012. The research was conducted in Vryboom village, Masia-Tshiphuseni village and Thohoyandou in Venda. I facilitated, through an interpreter, focus group discussions and conducted interviews where women confirmed that the harmful practice exists and some did not want it dispensed with. These women included those who have undergone the procedure. This article was supported by literature review from scholars such as Nkateko Lorraine Manabe.

      I am pleased that you are interested in engaging with the matter. I am hopeful that a lot will be done as cultural leaders need to be sensitised because they are influential.

    • jamal says:

      Iam also astonished venda women are known for their special beauty.It is believed in my country(Sudan) that when a venda woman sit down on her feet her lips reach the earth and assured that venda have some secret practice to enlarge them. I became assured of this because my grandfather had (vehdaoya) wife the older generations of my family practiced FMG but newer generation abandon it when my sister came to visit me as I live out of Sudan my wife who is an Egyptian saw my sister daughter in the bathroom assured this fact and thought for a moment that my sister daughter was a boy not a girl.

    • Lutendo says:

      I am also speechless.this is not how it is done.no flesh is cut during muthuso.only rash-like growths are scrapped from the vagina and uses as you explained.these rashes are called gokhonya for singular noun or magokhonya for plural. rashes develop in the vagina and they burn when urinating.not all women gi under this scrapping,the person conducting muthuso will tell you if such scrapping of those rashes is needed.the rashes are too hard and they don’t look like normal rashes,they are like bits of rocks,that’s why bleeding occurs during removal.hence,no flesh is cut.

    • Thandi Nyamukuvha Ramncwana says:

      I am appalled by the lies spread here as research, first of all Goni and Muthuso are two things not related to each other and both do not have anything to do with removing of neiter clitoris nor labia minora/majora. go back and do proper research. we do not practice female genital mutation in Venda culture.

  8. Ofentse says:

    Ms Kitui I must commend you on a well-written and topical entry. I have known of this practise for many years now and am pleased that action is being taken against it. I also understand the difficult position the South African government and trust it will see the plight of women and respond to it.

  9. Jackson says:

    good article babs

  10. Albab says:

    A precise, insightful article.

  11. […] Even though the World Health Organization does not include South Africa in the list of FGM practicin… […]

    • soja lifetime says:

      ask the depart of hearlth or the nurse they will tell you that all ndebele,sotho,venda and indians some of there clitorie sometime even labia is cutted.

  12. The world needs law against all sorts feminicides, including excisional FGM. Neither the 4th type FMG acceptable, preparing the little girls to men pleasure.

  13. Sarah says:

    Thank you Ms KItui for this brilliant article. You are undoubtedly a voice for the voiceless.

  14. Good article Ms. Barbara, I think it is the right moment to take action against all of these atrocities, This can be done lt’s play our parts!

  15. […] Source Share this:TwitterFacebook Tagged: South Africa Posted in: Female Genital Mutilation ← Techie sexually abuses girl for a month Euro 2012: Tournament football and domestic violence → Be the first to start a conversation […]

  16. shirley says:

    its high time the government do something in engaging the exploitation of women and children…. And back up to barbara kitui…

  17. shirley says:

    sorry.. spelling error..BIG-UP to barbara…..

  18. Please everyone step forward for support and stop the female genital mutilation all the over the world.For support for stopping from all over the world.We have published EBOOK.Please everyone can join and see what is in EBOOK.http://www.fgmasylum.com

  19. Anthony says:

    Good work Barbara,
    Based on your Research, how children does a typical Venda woman have? If FGM is done after the birth of every children. How sustainable is this practice? What is the political benefit to the government of South Africa, denying the existence of social problems?

    • Barbara Kitui says:

      Thanks for your comment Anthony.

      While conducting the research, I did not establish the number of children Venda women bring forth.

      The issue of FGM arose as one of the challenges the women faced. Based on first hand information from the Venda women interviewed, it is unimaginable yet true that women undergo such practices.

      The research focused on hindrances to accessing maternal healthcare in Venda (focusing on three villages). It was conducted within a period of one week and during that period, I was unable to secure formal clearance from the district office in order to interface with the responsible government officers.

  20. Sipho says:

    Captivating topic indeed – though I wouldn’t describe is as “nice”.

    One question though — are there any decided court cases on FGM in SA?

  21. Kenneth Amos says:

    Only an ignorant savage dog would subject a woman to this. Tradition does not validate a tradition. I’m an African American 52 years of age. Married twice with two adult female children. Sex should be enjoyed by the husband and wife. I don’t enjoy sex unless my wife does. Their is no honor in this tradition, just selfishness. The men who want this done to their wives dishonor themselves. You deserve no respect and will get none from me.

    • Science Watch says:

      Tradition can only effectively be changed by exposure to higher values.
      See why Nigeria is having massive traditional change.

      The true power of the spirit world is demonstrated in its purest form.
      See it happening 24hrs a day, 7 days a week.

      I have seen everyone with psychological disorders healed very rapidly.
      There are too many human problems that science cant cure but they will accept the case anyway and make money out of the suffering. What is the root cause of psychological problems ?

      See it happening 24hrs a day, 7 days a week.

      The best place to truthfully learn all about the invisible spirit world, how it causes depression etc, dreams and how dreams and spirits effect our lives and the value of true knowledge is on Emmanuel.tv or Dstv CH 390 24hrs daily. See real people and listen carefully to their own testimonies. Scoan in Lagos, Nigeria has been examined by independent international spiritual leaders.

      Here you will also learn why you must not pay for Spiritual healings.
      It is written : “Freely the gift of healing is given to you, freely it must be given to those that need it”.

      Dont believe any critics on this matter. The most powerful international spiritual investigative teams have confirmed it all as verifiable TRUTH.

  22. lucky says:

    what is your name again and vha muvenda na?

  23. Siv says:

    Ban this inhuman practise yesterday ,!

  24. Siv says:

    I know the s.african govt has to bow to cultural traditonal practises etc, etc, but we r supposed
    To be a shining example of democracy. What about a persons individual freedom & right to choose. Wrap those old school gokos in their traditional blankets & chuck down ur nearest mine shaft.
    ( cant seem to stop , want more ? )

  25. Good morning,
    I am writing a story on FGM, and have sent you an email last week. I was wondering whether we could schedule an interview? My email is contact @ miriam mannak . com.
    Kind regards,

  26. soja lifetime says:

    most of my exe girl friends was also cut there clitories agains there will at iqude initiation ceremony.so i suggest that should be illigalised to circumcise childrens under the age of 18 just like the constitution say a under age child is not capale of making decisions.so is obvious that even some of us they said yes to cuting they are still childrens.and for cutting brought me only the worst and was agains my will.and it brought me only the worst.i recomend that a law be pass that says a no cutting of clitories and fore skine of under 18 years old child and a 18year old child must know about everything that involves cuting aftermafhs.what you loss and what you gain and a contract be signed by a 18 years oald boy or girl before the initiation can begin.

  27. soja lifetime says:

    stop the multilation agains the childrens will.let a child be 18years old to signe a contract of his or her cutting.

  28. Gillian Roberts says:


    I am currently researching FGM as part of my LLM.

    I was extremely interested in your work and experiences and wondered what your opinions were regarding providing proper medical care for some form a mainly symbolic form of female circumcision as an option rather than the complete criminalisation of the act.

    I am also interested in the position of women in these communities. To what extent did you find they are victims who are not heard and who are male dominated?

    It seems to me that the Western world makes a lot of assumptions which may or may not be correct and that more effort needs to finding out about the ‘victims’ of FGM as individuals or members of disparate groups instead of dictating measures for peoples who we do not really know.

  29. Robert Munyui Kamunyu says:

    When God told Abraham to sign the covenant of the flesh, he circumcised all the male children and he was
    circumcised. The message was direct and in plain language. GENESIS 17: 1-27. The
    agreement was strategically initiated and the male child grew beholding daily
    his agreement with God at every call of nature throughout his married life.
    When God told Moses that the Children of Israel shall not circumcise their
    girls, the message was given in a spiritual language and bore two warnings. The
    Israelis parent shall not sexually mutilate their daughters and fathers were
    commanded not have carnal knowledge (incest) of their daughters making them
    . Girls who face the evil cut become prostitutes on alter of Satan
    which pollutes the land. The evil cutting is done in honor of the dead.
    Leviticus 19:28-29. This type of prostitution cannot be cleansed by
    marriage. She bought her prostitution with her flesh and blood on alter of
    Satan while still In her flower age under her parental care. Unless she gets
    saved (call upon the blood of CHRIST to cleanse her.John3:16-18, Isaiah1:18)
    she shall go to her grave a prostitute. Thus there were no sexual mutilations
    among the Israelis women. The Girl child was bought up in divine order leaving
    the petals and stay of love intact for a beloved wise husband core co-benefits.
    She remained a spring shut up and a blessed fountain sealed in divine state.
    Song of Solomon 4:12, Proverbs 5:18-19.
    By instinct mans’ hand lands at the garden
    of love and joy to prop it up at Divine state. The Israelis brethren
    never married from alters of Satan. Israelis women remained lively and
    delivered goodly children easily a state known to Pharaoh. Exodus 1:15-22.
    That knowledge on the difference between a circumcised woman and a woman who
    had not faced the evil cut was exploited by the Hebrew Midwives, Shiphrah and
    Puah as their reason for saving the men children alive contrary to the King of
    Egypt instructions for their ultimate death at birth for they were easily delivered. Pharaoh was aware
    that the Egyptians women went through Pharaonic circumcision or infibulations
    and the difficulties they faced in delivering children were known to him thus
    he agreed with the midwives’ answer. God has promised our beloved sisters save
    child delivery. 1Timothy 2: 15 .Girls who had the evil cut cannot pass the
    threshold of Divine virginity since they sacrificed their fresh to demonic
    world. Their virginity in marriage is according to satanic standards since they
    have been defiled with humanity demonic practices. All traditional women
    circumcisers die poor for Satan keep them poor to their trade. The girl child
    holds no battle field of faith in her defiled crippled sexual state. She is
    sexually excavated, sexually muted and sexually crippled. Girls who face
    the evil cut are leftovers from the alter of Satan and for a man marrying her
    is equal to sharing a wife with Satan. Man takes the marriage supper the left
    over from the alter of Satan us the dictate of demonic cultures. FGM is a
    form of partial castration for a womanhood. Man is commanded by GOD to give his
    wife her conjugal wrights and also the woman to the same for its a shared
    joy. 1Corithians 1:1-4.How can a sexually mutilated woman deliver
    joy in Divine state to her husband while sexual joy was removed from her
    in FGM. Circumcision in man does not alter his sexual ability.
    In Church of Christ, ever where parents force their daughters to face the
    evil cut, the parents having given the devil the first sacrifice should not be
    ashamed to remove the blanket of etiquette and prepare their daughters to play
    wives (incest) to their husbands to give the devil a complete sacrifice.
    It is not a greater evil than the first sacrifice. FGM is an insult and assault to womanhood. Let them pride
    themselves in complete evil. The petals and stay of love are left strewn at
    alters of Satan. Prostitutes made by parents in FGM are honored. Us no man can miss the mouth even when eating in total
    darkness, so shall man falter in search of the marital coals removed in sexual
    mutilation how foolish he is. Song of Solomon 2:6-7. Parents who
    perform FGM are sources of families instabilities and great evils for the land.
    FGM lay social foundations for unstable marital live. They are highly
    entrenched in prostitution with their girl child. Ironically these parents are
    active in the Church who shoulder burdens for the church but with continuous
    unresolved marital problems a dilemma to the clergy. They are workers of
    Satan who have camouflage as believers in the Church of Christ. How do they
    differ from magicians and witches? FGM is the parental satanic sexual abuse of high order. They pollute the land in prostitution and
    the land becomes full of all evils. How can a father be obsessed with the
    sexual organ of his daughter as a bearer of holiness in mutilated state? It
    is hypocritical for him to be in a place where GOD is worshiped. Why
    should parents be obsessed to place the family uprightness and the
    country holiness in the mutilated sex organ of their girl child? After FGM is done ,the girl child is highly esteemed and it is a demonic cover up of the evils done. Can a girl
    child with stolen womanhood find love in her parents in subjecting her to FGM?. All boils down to
    social rottenness that require Divine spiritual intervention. Clergy ought
    teach and preach the truth and hold parents responsible for injustice committed
    against their girl child in FGM.
    It is awkward that laws are enacted to
    stop parents from performing FGM. Men and women of upright minds come
    together to stop atrocities done to a
    girls child by her own parents, Un issue parents would have stopped on learning the suffering girls go through in fgm and after fgm. Instead
    of her finding parental love and care, she
    is ushered into brutality against her very womanhood. FGM has been used
    as a disciplined measure against women by sexually crippling them against perceived climes they have never committed.. If FGM
    install holiness in women as paramount foundation for a holy life before
    marriage and in marriage, then there would never be divorce in marriages where
    women have undergone FGM. This notion stipulate the mutilated sex organ of a
    woman as center of holiness and un institution of worship since in it mutilated
    state chastity can be delivered. It
    would mean men loosing self holiness in
    God and having secondary holiness in God received from mutilated sex organ of a
    woman there by making the sex of a woman a centre of worship. This is demonic
    way of thinking and practice in life. FGM has zero benefit for a man and a woman. FGM suppresses a woman libido which can never be regained in marriage .She is not adventurous in sexual relationship and the man takes the marriage supper under set rules to hind her shortcoming in love..It makes a woman a land without fence and a well without a cover. It is a barbaric culture imposed on womanhood by parents and the society at large .Song of Solomon 4:12
    It is evident FGM put God at faults for
    providing a girl child with an active sexual organ. They view the active sexual organ of
    a girl child in its Divine active state as evil and a source of immorality. Redemption and salvation for
    themselves is crafted by sexually crippling the girl child in FGM whereby they
    sacrifice the girl child sexual organ to Satan in the name of morality for God.
    Leviticus 19:28-29. By uplifting the sexual organ of a girl child as pillar of
    morality in defiled mutilated state shift the blame game to the sexual organ of
    a girl child as a source of immorality in a community hence all brutalities
    direct against the girl child in all forms of FGM. The blame game is directed
    against God for providing her with un active sexual organ thus they chop her sexual organ to their taste to make her a sexual mute.
    This defeat any sense of humanity in them. It is cruelty on a girl child at
    alter of family and community social holiness from demonic world. FGM was
    authored in Egypt by Pharaoh as Satanic sacrifice to increase pain and wailing in child birth as a Satanic
    sacrifice. The fleshy sexual coals are
    excavated leaving her frigid and rocky thus denying her for live time Divine
    marital gift which she requires in
    marriage for a lively marital relationship with her husband. How stupid a man
    may be, by instinct a man will falter in search of the fleshy coals
    removed in FMG thus leaving him at moral loose for unfulfilled marital
    achievement .. The fleshy coals are provided for marriage. 1Corithians7: 9. The
    fleshy coals helps a woman in marriage to lock in emotionally with her husband
    in marital relationship
    It is quite evident parents are under cultural moral slavery siege and ready to sacrifice
    their daughters to FGM at demonic alter of cultures for community social
    acceptance. How would parents commit their daughters to FGM so us someone
    can have food for the mouth calling it their trade of life? How could someone
    say it was done in honor of religion where God is mentioned and the clergy
    exist? How will ever be compensated girls forced to FGM after abandoning the
    evil trade? Parents and the clergy should know that the mutilated sex
    organs remain and the wounded soul and spirit cry to God Almighty. Many parents
    are still stuck in wilderness of demonic cultures though in institutions of
    Godly worship. Even from time of old women can perform all types of evils counting on their husbands’ support. Israelis women in the Bible told Jeremiah the Prophet that the sacrifices they offered they did so with the support and knowledge of their husbands. Jeremiah 44:19 Even today women who force their daughters have FGM count on their husbands full support. They confirm their husbands are part of Satanic sacrifice performed on their daughters in FGM when they disregard Godly advice and truth concerning fgm. It is the time parental love and care are nonexistent as the girl child is placed on alter of Satan for fgm for demonic morality.
    . Who will pull out parents stuck in the wilderness of
    demonic cultures with love and care? FGM is in the bosoms of parents and the
    community at large. It all boils down to communities social rottenness. The battle
    fields of double faiths range in their hearts and they fail terribly to test of
    faith in God.
    GOD is not a respecter of persons and you cannot
    modify evils committed by parents to less evils to look good. No form of FGM is
    acceptable . To think you can subject girls to less invasive form of FGM is
    spiritually not acceptable . Where Men
    circumcision involves removal of a fold of the fore skin .FGM involves massive dense muscles with high concentration
    of sensitive net work of nerves and soft
    bone removal. Her bone is left in the air to dry like wood. This is not circumcision. It is Sexual excavation. Circumcision involves cutting round a fore skin in man. Which man would ever leave cut part of his bone to dry in the air like dead wood? After FGM there are no bows left for man to hold. Song of Solomon 7:8 .NO blood should be spilt in FGM. Leviticus 1928-29. God purposed
    a woman to enjoy sex in marriage. No Human being should play a God to her life.
    Song of Solomon 2:2-5. Sexual joy is Divine given to her and parents have non
    wrights in sexually crippling her in
    FGM. Do not give parents soft landing ground in their evils adventures by making them
    acceptable social criminals.
    FGM is a faith moral issue based on culture. It is the deadly beastly yoke of Satan on womanhood. Satan activities have camouflaged themselves as Godly believers among believers telling them they assist them in holiness in FGM. If we have to stop FGM it cannot be based only on negative side effects inherited by FGM. Since it is a faith issue
    one can decide to live bearing all sufferings that come with FGM. It is known
    even clinically trained personnel perform FGM with full background firsthand knowledge of all
    sufferings associated with FGM. They are
    well paid by those who thirst to satisfy
    they cultural based faith attachment in FGM even contrary to moral standards
    of Godly believers. When FGM is involved
    ,God is of secondary important to them. It is the time Satan is Supreme in their lives when all
    demonic forces raise against the girl child. The clergy have more work to do in
    preaching having to bring parents and young men on board to the full knowledge
    of the Word of God. Young men know God
    told Moses in Spiritual language that FGM is a Satanic sacrifice for non
    believers hidden in parenthood for acceptance. Leviticus 19:28-29. Young men if you are presented with a
    virgin sexually mutilated and a virgin who has her divine splendor of her sex
    organ intact, who would you choose a wife having stood the test of faith in
    Godly manner? The clergy cannot live
    as though no Satanic sacrifices are performed on the girl child in FGM. Young
    men have reality faith in Godly
    that you share a wife with Satan in FGM.
    You cannot serve God and demons together. The choose is in your heart. Choose
    In Church of Christ, let fathers not exercise the terror of silence and stand up
    for the divine wrights of their daughters. Parents owe their sons in laws
    lifetime gratitude for agreeing to marry their daughters whom they sexually
    assaulted and sexually crippled. God has never asked parents to sexually
    cripple their daughters so as to remain virgins and holly. Is holiness attained
    by sexually crippling a girl child acceptable to God’s purposes for her live
    destiny entity? No. There is holiness that pertains to children of God.
    The sex organ of a girl child cannot be manipulated through sexual mutilations
    as a gate way for man to heaven. Parents owe their daughters a life time
    apology for their inhuman acts which robbed them their divine marital gifts.
    Parents who force their daughters to undergo FGM exercise the most Dignified
    Unreserved Beastly Cultural Atrocities on the girl
    child with man child at the receiving end as beneficially.FGM remain the most horrible evil coveted by some parents with full support of grandparents and aunts. Proverbs14:1-2. A foolish woman destroys
    her own house with her own hands. Let parents face the truth and know they have evil thoughts against their girl child in FGM and they are terribly wrong . In FGM, parents are a curse to a
    nation. It is hypocritical for parents in Church of Christ to spend their
    twilight years as loving caring parents having soiled their hands with the
    blood and flesh of their daughters in FGM in demonic sacrifice. Some men force
    their daughters to undergo FGM under their mothers’ pressure forgetting there
    are no curses for those in Christ Jesus. Galatians3:10-14, Proverb
    26:1-2. It is quite evident parents are under cultural moral slavery siege
    and ready to sacrifice their daughters to FGM at alter of demonic
    cultures for community social acceptance.
    Can man kneel before
    God and support FGM. It is awkward to hear men say what is good for a
    woman and not say what God say is good for a woman and him. It seems some
    men want to craft a way of life for themselves in name of God. When God told
    Moses that the Israelis fathers shall not subject their daughters to FGM in
    honor of the dead or have sex with them, He did not leave any form of FGM
    for a girl child. To suggest there can be mild form of FGM is not acceptable
    before God. Leviticus 19:28-29. Once the blood of a girl child is shed in FGM
    the land is polluted and becomes full of all evils. If men have no respect for
    the complex delicate sex organ which deliver them to the world, how will they have mercy
    for one another even where they have common faith? When the earth is fully
    polluted in FGM, at a point in
    life ,men turn the country a slaughter house for one another and the
    communities at large.
    How would parents commit
    their daughters to FGM so us someone can have food for the mouth calling it
    their trade of life? How could someone say it was done in honor of religion
    where God is mentioned and the clergy exist? How will ever be girls
    compensated who are forced to FGM in their flower age after abandoning
    the evil trade? Parents and the clergy should know that the mutilated
    injured girls remain and the wounded soul and spirit cry to Almighty God. Many
    parents are still stuck in wilderness of demonic cultures though in
    institutions of Godly worship. Who will pull out parents stuck in the
    wilderness of demonic cultures with love and care? FGM is in the bosoms
    of parents and the community at large. It all boils down to communities social
    rottenness. The battle fields of double faiths range in their hearts and they
    fail terribly to test of faith in God. Can parents be so cruel and evil minded to perform FGM in name of morality in GOD? We need fathers who can stand for
    God with their families when the lest rebel against God. Joshua 24:14-15
    The greatest force behind FGM are fathers and young men. It is heart
    breaking to hear women say if it were not of demands by fathers and young
    men behind the sin they will not do it. In FGM parents break the spiritual and physical integrity well being of their daughters. It is all known some men dare not speak against FGM for it propel
    them to political powers. The parents and the whole family votes are dear to
    them centered on championing FGM us cultural heritage. Their political powers
    are fueled by blood and flesh of young girls thus weakening laws passed to ban
    FGM. The young girls fate hang out of balance since she cannot count on rescue
    even from her dear brothers. Her fate is sealed by those who thirst for her
    flesh and blood for the injustice of the beloved parents is awful cruel. It is the time a father turns a cold shoulder to his girl child and commit her to Satan in fgm. The girl child lives with unresolved burning self reserved resentments against her parents but all they see is well to their eyes.
    Parents pride themselves in FGM since they receive their communities social
    recognitions and acceptance at a price of permanently sexually deforming
    their girls in FGM which they can view in a mirror. Parents are in Sodom of their own even in places of
    worship. Laws to ban FGM may not eliminate FGM since it can be done clinically
    at home. Parents require deliverance of their souls and spirits to God.
    In their liberated hearts their will not suffer any loose for abandoning FGM
    for their trust in God is paramount. God Himself told Moses that the Israelis
    fathers shall not subject their daughters to FGM in honor of the dead or
    have sex with them making them prostitutes. Leviticus 19:28-29. FGM is a
    Satanic sacrifice involving blood and flesh and parents are more bonded to
    demonic world by sacrificing their girl child in FGM .Let all Children of
    Abraham by faith face the full reality of the demands in their faith in God.
    God bless you all united against this demonic cultural practice called FGM. It is the time the promises in fgm die out and the demonic world open its’ gates wide for the girl child and closes its’ gates behind her back as she leaves the alter of Satan empty handed for the lest of life time.
    In Church of Christ, men should stop counting their up hold to
    spiritual holiness in reverence to a defiled sexually mutilated sex organ of a
    woman. Some men say when women are sexually crippled, men and women remain
    faithful but to who? Which men are sexually crippled for women to remain holy?
    Is the sexual organ of a woman an institution of worship for men? GOD IS HOLLY.
    Men shouldn’t have defiled faith in God based on crippled sexual organ of a
    woman. Men should love God with a pure heart. The sexual organ of a woman is
    not a stay to a man’s faith in his God. Should a man share a wife with the
    devil? FGM is ill tagged as a benefit to man child by those who
    perpetuate this demonic sacrifice. Men who view their holiness in God through the mutilated sexual organ of a woman put their faith in God demonic practices. Culturally women who had gone FGM as they
    passed child bearing age and hung up the ploughs, the old man would marry
    another young woman who had gone FGM referred to us the wife of his old age
    with desires to have children. No eyes blow were raised against the wife by the
    other wives since they understood their frigid sexual rocky morbid state. They were not a joy to have as wives in their old age . Love to
    them was like surgery awake and they acknowledged the sexually active state of their husband. It was a time their husband was like a sexual beast to them. They sexually off loaded themselves through their husband’s young wife of his old aged thus shifting the burden of the curse to the young woman.
    If a man has to be circumcised in the Church of Christ, he
    should join our sisters in spiritual circumcision for all that is salvation.
    Colossians 2: 8-12. Roman2:28-29. Can a wise man pride himself before God
    counting the benefits of marrying a prostitute? In Church of Christ, only
    uncultured men in Godly practices, uncouth, no witty and demonic sadist will
    applaud sexual mutilation of young girls.
    Leviticus 19:28-29. FGM is the perennial curse for the girl child and the
    land. The land is polluted and all evils come to the nation.FGM defeat any
    Godly purpose for it . Can any clergy support FGM? Only
    those taught by apostles and ministers of Satan can support FGM. FGM exercise the most Dignified Unreserved Beastly Cultural Atrocities on womanhood which is the deadly yoke of Satan hidden in parenthood for demonic chastity acceptance.
    Corinthians11:13-15. NO FGM WITH GOD .When
    faithful Abraham the father of faith was commanded by God to be
    circumcised at 99 years old with his son Ishmael at thirteen years old, he obeyed
    God. Sarah and Hagar were not circumcised or any girl child since there is no women circumcision with God. It was a clear
    instruction and Abraham obeyed Jehovah God’s instructions to the letter. GENESIS
    17: 1-27.
    Parents’ only way out of this
    demonic trap is to reconcile back to God together with their daughters by
    asking for unreserved forgiveness and get saved. Love covers multitudes of sins and weakness .GOD OUTLAWED FGM WHICH
    WAS FORBIDDEN AND WRITTEN IN SPIRITUAL LANGUAGE. Leviticus 19:28-29. The message is freely given
    purely to the body of JESUS CHRIST worldwide.

    By Br. Robert Munyui Kamunyu.

    • Science Watch says:

      This is cruel ! FMG MUST STOP !

      Can the supernatural powers seen here help ?

      The true power of the spirit world is demonstrated in its purest form.
      See it happening 24hrs a day, 7 days a week.

      I have seen everyone with psychological disorders healed very rapidly.
      There are too many human problems that science cant cure but they will accept the case anyway and make money out of the suffering. What is the root cause of psychological problems ?

      See it happening 24hrs a day, 7 days a week.

      The best place to truthfully learn all about the invisible spirit world, how it causes depression etc, dreams and how dreams and spirits effect our lives and the value of true knowledge is on Emmanuel.tv or Dstv CH 390 24hrs daily. See real people and listen carefully to their own testimonies. Scoan in Lagos, Nigeria has been examined by independent international spiritual leaders.

      Here you will also learn why you must not pay for Spiritual healings.
      It is written : “Freely the gift of healing is given to you, freely it must be given to those that need it”.

      Dont believe any critics on this matter. The most powerful international spiritual investigative teams have confirmed it all as verifiable TRUTH.

  30. Ramusandiwa Muhangwi David says:

    As an advocate against genital mutilations for girls, I am all the way fighting and developing women to know their rights.

  31. virginia says:

    I founded and run an organisation supporting women,children,man and families affected by FGM. Its crucial for the govenment to aknowledge what is happening in our backyards. FGM is child abuse and abuse of Human Rights. It needs to STOP.

  32. […] Although not recognized by possibly a World Health Organisation or a South African supervision as holding place in a nation during all, according to Ugandan counsel Barbara Kitui, it is indeed practised illegally by a Venda village in Limpopo. […]

  33. ALI says:

    I know and experienced cutting of piece of meat from my vagina when my daughter was a baby called u thusa nwana to prevent goni. Its very painful. And made sure my husband know what I went through in the hands of his grandmother and the old lady who perform the ritual. It was the first and the last ritual when I gave birth. I asked him not to agree when his grandmother want me to go through the ritual after giving birth but instead the babies be dedicated to God the creator in the name of Jesus at my church, for babies to be prayed for the good health. My children are grow up in good health today without u thusa ritual. I THANK THE LORD ALMIGHTY IN THE POWERFUL NAME OF OUR JESUS CHRIST.


    • Barbara says:

      Dear Ali,

      Thank you for sharing your painful experience. I am confident that revelations like this will prompt the government to take action.

    • Lutendo says:

      I think u did not check what was removed out of ur vagina my sister,those were not piece of flesh.were you not gonna have a dysfunctional vagina if they had cut out flesh from your vagina?what was removed was something called gokhonya,it is not flesh.these things develop inside your vagina so they r removed after birth.they never go away no matter you refuse them to be removed.i honestly think u need to ask deeply about ut coz it is not a norm to do it.it depends on whether the child has it.The muthuso rirual is done first and the traditional healer or herbalist or whoever is trained for Muthuso will inform u n ur parents on whether such scrapping id those rash-like pieces need to be removed.this is how it is done,no meat is cut rather those gokhonyas.it is not forced either,you either do it or not,it is up to you and ur baby’s well being.i think tour husband’s family did you a favor,especially when it was your first born.what happened to you was not FGM,u still have ur clit,don’t u?no labias were removed,were they?you must be grateful. Thank you.

      • gabaathlolwe says:

        What a shame that women believe FGM only involves cutting of the clitoris. Maybe Lutendo need to assess and analyse what constitute flesh. FGM infringes on women and girl-children rights to a physical and mental health, sexual enjoyments and it classed as abuse by world wide laws, safeguarding policies and procedures. Cutting a women’s vagina for any reason that health benefits is abuse, and it should not be justified for protection of children and any reason given and provided. I directly work with women, girl-children and families living with the consequences of FGM. As a midwife, nurse and heath visitor I have worked in South Africa and abroad and I can confirm that your interpretation of FGM is ill informed. Research and explore why anyone will enjoy to cut. sew. insert, pull or interfere with a women or girl-child’s healthy vagina. FGM happens in South Africa and word wide to women and girl-children.

      • Rotshi says:

        tell her lutendo. i had those rushes and tge doctors told me they dont have a cure for them and said its done traditionally. its a pity that the person who removed them from you wasnt a proffesional. when mine was removed i ddnt feel any pain

        • Phumudzo says:

          Rotahi I’m really interested in knowing what is it that they really do?nne ndi muvenda Ndo vha nwana a lovha,zwino Ndi khou lingedza uvha na munwe nwana fhedzi a I fari na luthihi,ndi a thothonelwA nga fhasi tshinwe tshifhinga na marahoni,ndo vhudziwa uri ndi na gokhonya ndi tea u tsheiwa,ngauri ndi khou toda nwana ndi khou toda uya fhedzi ndia tshuwa hu tshipfi ndi tshi tsheiwa ndo no fhedza ndido livhona helo gokhonya, vha tshea nama ya vhudzimuni matsiko sa zwine vhathu vha ambisa zwone?nthuseni vhathu…….aaaaa

        • Sk says:

          Im not a Venda but i know what Lutendo talking about in my language it called amasale and they have to be removed never had them thou but i know they exist and no one will force you to go and remove them you will go look for help yourself because if you have a child it dangers that child’s life too

  34. Genital mutilation is barbaric and an act of inflicting pain to others, especially defenceless persons (Children) for that matter.

  35. Marie says:

    Thank you very much, Ms. Kitui! What else can I say?

  36. Lutendo says:

    This is not true about Venda women having flesh being cut from their vaginas after birth.hmm?I am a Venda and has two kids and I did this ritual.u were ill informed. No flesh is cut.ask me I will narrate it to you.and it is not only done for this goni you are talking about.this varies depending on what is needed for the child.sometimes women don’t do it after birth and it will then be needed later even after two years because the child will get sick.what is cut is not flesh.ask me I will explain to you.this is not like a FGM that is done to in other countries with the aim of depriving women of sexual pleasures,rather it is done as a way of protecting the child.again,ask me I will tell you.do your research.no flesh is cut. Amen.

    • Phumudzo says:

      Lutendo I’m really interested in knowing what is it that they really do?nne ndi muvenda Ndo vha nwana a lovha,zwino Ndi khou lingedza uvha na munwe nwana fhedzi a I fari na luthihi,ndi a thothonelwA nga fhasi tshinwe tshifhinga na marahoni,ndo vhudziwa uri ndi na gokhonya ndi tea u tsheiwa,ngauri ndi khou toda nwana ndi khou toda uya fhedzi ndia tshuwa hu tshipfi ndi tshi tsheiwa ndo no fhedza ndido livhona helo gokhonya, vha tshea nama ya vhudzimuni matsiko sa zwine vhathu vha ambisa zwone?nthuseni vhathu…….aaaaa

  37. portia says:

    Pls help me I was trumatised by my venda mom in law. We took child to healer for muthuso yes -i have four kids all 3 were helped normal now fourth one they say he has goni.healer said he doesn’t cut any more he offered to give me muthi I must diap muthi in white cloth following day I must give that to my mother in law so that she wl help child then they gave another one to apply in my vagina .I just sow my gynacologist I asked them why they say I have infection I told no doctor could have told me ..she say if u refuse will take u to the one who will cut I told her hell no .she said if child die she doesn’t want to hear a thing..pls explain what is goni and what is the cause in medical term.

    • Rotshi says:

      sorry if this sounds rude but please go back to your gyna, tell her to look for a rash in your birth canal. please come back with a medical explanation and how its cured medically please

      • gabaathlolwe says:

        If you have an infection both you and your partner need to be treated simultaneously to maximise the benefits and prevent re -infection. FGM involves inserting,pulling,and scrubbing of the vagina and vaginal halls. Women need to ask themselves that if they had a rash on their face or anywhere else on their body do they need to scrub it off with knives and razors of do they apply antibiotics. Your child does not need a piece of your vagina lo live nor to be protected.

  38. Taylor L. Roos says:

    Fantastic article! Extremely eye opening. Have you done any research or have any information on whether the practice is country wide? Or just in the north east parts of the country? I know the government apparently isn’t acknowledging it, but it would be interesting to find if the people all over the country acknowledge it. I live on Maine, USA, my boyfriend moved from Johannesburg about a year and a half ago, I will have to pick his brain about it!

  39. […] 2012, Barbara Kitui wrote on AfricLaw of the practise of ‘muthuso’ in Venda, where the vaginal flesh of women who have given birth is […]

  40. Takalani says:

    Goni or Gokhonya is like Warts. they appear on the vaginal area of a woman. this is when they are now older. they begin like rush. the doctor might just say you have an infection but they can’t cure it. they can try to burn or freeze it and cut. the only effective way to cure it is traditionally. Maine or nanga they can treat it traditionally but cutting and mi9xing it with traditional medication. they can also scrap it with coffee mixture. its dangerous to the baby as it can make a baby born and grow fast and fresh trying to hide it. this is very fatal if they don’t treat it. unfortunately western doctors don’t know it.

  41. Phumudzo says:

    I wanted to know if it’s true that if you have it you cannot have anymore kids?and has anyone done it if so how do they do the procedure with a razor cause after reading this comments it’s really scaring me,is it true that they cut flesh from genitals and that you can also see those parts after they cut them

  42. Robert Munyui Kamunyu says:

    THE BUTCHERS OF WOMANHOOD- FGM ( THE COVENANT OF THE FLESH). When God told Abraham to sign the covenant of the flesh, he circumcised all the male children and he was circumcised. The message was direct and in plain language. GENESIS 17: 1-27. The agreement was strategically initiated and the male child grew beholding daily his agreement with God at every call of nature throughout his married life. The covenant of the flesh for a man is with ease to behold with no ill feelings or regrets without medication required afterwards in life. When God told Moses that the Children of Israel shall not circumcise girls, the message was given in a spiritual language and bore two warnings Leviticus19:29-29. The Israelis parents shall not sexually mutilate daughters and fathers we commanded not have carnal knowledge (incest) of daughters making them prostitutes. Fgm prostitution is a prime satanic sacrifice for a woman, of secrecy with miseries and constrains of disgrace to behold accompanied by many cases of traumatic child delivery requiring medication. Fgmsin of crime of honor humiliation for womanhood persists for many girls globally. There is no open fold of a foreskin in a sexual organ of a woman to cut round that hides dirty stuffs that stinks. There are no undue growths that warrant cutting and scrapping in her sexual organ. There is no part of her sexual organ that rots as she grows old from childhood. Those who justify fgm benefits in in any form are mare agents of satan in sheep skin. There are blunt lies of those women anointed by satan to propagate fgm when they claim women that are not cut stinks. Homes ,cities and countries where fgm is not practiced would have been stinking hell if their claim is true which would have been an open truth known by all. The devil is the father of lies and his accomplished do the falsehood. Fgm falsehood taught has remained guarded and guided in shrewd cover up of honored falsehood in fgm justification. If fgm has any level of cleanness then cleanness and holiness have lost reference value to some parents and men. There is Divine Holiness that belong to children of God and Christians must know the truth to be free from being trapped in greatly justified fgm falsehood taught ,Ephesians4:11-14 Fgm is the most horrible heart breaking tribute to satanic sacrifice in parenthood accepted and appreciated by many communities. They have given parents prime choice of terror in fgm prostitution castration curse positive face value with wholesome none existent cleanliness which is mockery to wisdom and Word of truth unearthed today in plain language regarding the tear of the helm of womanhood in fgm. Fgm classified evils and justified heinous atrocities held by elites are the hard issues of formidable sin of horror of honor firmly held in terror that reign on globally for many girls which many parents are unable to do away with in life in satanic cultural sacrifice justification. Can parents live to deliver dignified Holy honor to a girl child or they assert a girl child is sexually demonically born wild thus the need to sexually tame her in fgm prostitution castration operation. Today those women who favor crippling the heartbeat of womanhood in fgm and in fear of their marriages endangered under attack by unfolding truth on falsified physical and spiritual beneficial issues acclaimed in fgm, all they have is to keep their husbands mentally caged in epic cultural lies and remain relevant to their husbands without divine knowledge. Today it will be double tragedy for girls who have undergone fgm when men change their sexual orientation in favor of girls without the evil cultural cut. Even when some advocate for not cutting much for her benefits and the husband benefit ,this vindicate the opening door of intended sexual deprivation and suppression for the girl child bearing all the shortcomings of fgm. When some women vouch for safe mother child delivery, the devil is in front with others women in destroying the ery gate way of safe mother child delivery system in fgm making the sexual organs of girls the arena of social morality without iota of remorse. Parents pay homage to satan in fgm. In old days old women who had undergone fgm used to pass direct messages to young men initiates that a woman once she grows old the man if he wants and wishes to marry another woman he should do so and not disturb her. It was clear message for the young men that past child bearing age they were not readily available for their husbands at their matrimonial bed. It were as though women were more for procreation value only. If uncircumcised was married, they called for her circumcision since she was sexually like a strong magnet to their husband and they needed him less of her. At a time in life when economic reality and faith in God turned men away from cultural way of live, some women left the matrimonial bed abode and took refuge in children bedrooms. A husband had to give a chase after the woman past child bearing state for love to her was like surgery awake. Children had no idea for the source of conflicts at hand. They passed the burden of fgm prostitution castration generation curse to young married women. Fgm destroys the natural glorious lustrous beauty of womanhood which men are able to note today. During fgm initiation ceremonies, immoral cultural songs are accepted and openly sang for a satanic banquet. Fgm remains the formidable honorable sin of choice favored by many parents globally enslaved by satan. Let men love those ladies who have under gone the awful risk of unkind cut in Christ’s Love that bonds on love. Let those ladies not condemn themselves . Let them abound in dignified liberty that is in Christ Jesus and enjoy full life and do away with satanic barbaric fgm for their daughters. Fgm castration is done without Divine dignity for womanhood but more hedged on man’s satanic sexual superiority sort endeavors in perfecting horror of justified atrocities in fgm. The devil has his own even among the smart elites in every society that will justify various forms of fgm atrocities at religious and medical levels at all costs Falsehoods based on fgm evils clarified and justified by elites are the hardest issues to deal with and come out of them in life. Fgm is a demonic act associated with the existent of parenthood and the devil who has given it a religious backing a cover up of deceptive acceptance in destroying the bridge of womanhood. There are women who have undergone fgm and they hold and tell the bear truth on issues based on fgm. May God Almighty shower them with blessings of fortitude of grace to forbear the deprivations done in fgm. In fgm prostitution persecution castration parents are engaged in a clear active respectable satanic open sacrifice. They indulge themselves in orgy of mutilating the very womanhood of their own girl child for none existing morality for God. Fgm is the smart satanic strategic morality sacrifice hidden tragically and endorsed by many parents across all social status around the world. Parents have their own zeal of faith in fgm and have established their own righteousness not according to righteousness of God in the knowledge of his Word. Roman 10:1-4. Parents spearhead the immoral act in fgm which is a covenant of flesh and blood with satan for society morality acceptance whereby girls loose the natural thread and tread of lustrous beauty of womanhood to satan. Many fathers are bonded and bound by it and sink to abyss of solemn silence even when children and youth raise a protest the battle of minds against the terror of fgm castration persecution. Satan has for generations perfectly cushioned fgm in many families parenthood which is un institution of tender care and love as the acceptable way of life. It is the time Satan tragically prevails in honor in parenthood. Fgm is the parental dear paradox regarding girls chastity at their approved sexual disability for the girls. On fgm sin enslavement , fathers play the pivot role in sexually crippling their daughters behind the scene having been entangled and snared by Satan as it were with Eve and Adam in garden of Aden. There are parents comfortably settled down on mutilating their young girls for community social acceptance and honor at families managed altar of satan. This defeats any iota of holy love and care for the girl child under felony of fgm, bawling for mercy when heaped on her shoulders empty promises bearing the burden of the family and the society morality placed on her very womanhood in the heinous destructive fgm operation of honor. There is a narrow highway for Christian to follow in righteousness. There is no love or justice in fgm. Men have sought satanic refuge in fgm for their weak incompatible immoral sexual stand. In fgm, men’s protracted fear of women sexuality in Divine order is waged in fgm atrocities. They assert that God is wrong for providing girls with more active evil sexual organs not equal to men and the demonic mission of taming girls and women sexually is hatched by men for satanic cultural immoral quest for righteousness in God. Effectively men who support fgm have morally justified themselves as sexual weaklings before God and women. Thus many parents and men have stayed their morality faith in God in the sexual organs of girls and women under fgm which is demonic and abnormally absurd. Fgm has remained the satanic sacrifice sought by men for their sexual immorality prowls as many girls are dignified in fgm cultural castration atrocities. This is the scaring tragedy of satanic sacrifice and worship by some parents in Christian Churches which its existence is hard for many to believe. The Church should not give parents any form of cover up in regards to brutal realty in fgm castration atrocities nor subject them to any kind of humiliation as we stand firmly wholly against fgm in Christ’s love. Love cannot fathom the era of zeal outburst in fgm prostitution castration ordeal that ravage the garden of love and joy enhanced in agony of cultural honor by parents account in chopping and tearing the helm of womanhood. What is left is a figure of womanhood. In fgm operation, parents are heartless and lack ornaments of a holly heart. Fgm heinous act defines parents more in demonic world of culture gripped by satan but not in God. Some parents are hell bent in propagating fgm to a point of performing fgm to newborn girls. They are faithful dependable apostles and ministers of satan bound in perpetuating fgm with willing evil hands . Parents and close relatives continuously taunt young girls on their uncut status which is a state of social mental torture for some hard to bear. Finally some face the martyrdom of womanhood in fgm for demonic cultural purity cleansing acceptance. To them ,immorality is put to an end. This is the awesome chosen sin of willful destruction in fgm of honor by parents in propagating the grave yard of womanhood. This defeats real love and wisdom. Satan hedge footstool is amicably established in fgm by some parents in a prime sin of choice of honor in depriving sexual joy from a girl child with no remorse. Girls who face the evil cut become prostitutes on altar of satan sadly without their consent which pollutes the land. Magicians and witches in the world do not make girls prostitutes. But parents by subjecting girls to fgm make them prostitutes and are worse than them. Parents have soiled their hands in fgm honorary .Humanity has been subject to satanic celebrated sacrifice in fgm prostitution beyond imaginations in many families among generations. The evil cutting is done in honor of the dead. Leviticus 19:28-29. This type of prostitution cannot cleansed in marriage life . She bought her prostitution with her flesh, bone and blood on altar of Satan while still In her flower age when facing all evil forces under her parental care. Unless she gets saved (call upon the blood of CHRIST to cleanse her.John3:16-18, Isaiah1:18) she shall go to her grave a prostitute . Thus there were no sexual mutilations among the Israelis women. The Girl child was bought up in divine order leaving the petals and stay of love intact for a beloved wise husband core co-benefits. She remained a garden fenced , a spring shut up and blessed in sealed divine state. A woman to man she is a garden and a fountain. The man plants a seed and a child grows in the womb and is born. The man quench his marital thirst with her in shared joy for woman is a keeper at home. A fountain with a cover has more flesh safe water than uncovered well. A fenced garden has a defense and is a safe comfort. Song of Solomon 5:1-2. Song of Solomon 4:12, Proverbs 5:18-19. The banner of love is at even state over the garden of love at Divine state when his hand lands at the garden of love to prop it up undisturbed as the king of marriage mark and flag the fleshy coals for un intimate marital relationship in common joy. Song of Solomon 2:2-5. Man is instructed by God not to be immoral or do any severe harm to his wife of his youth and give her conjugal wrights and benefits in shared joy as one body in common control. Malachi2;12-17. 1 Corinthians7:1-5. The devil has vested harbored honorable demonic powers to some parents to permanently control and deform girls sexual organs in fgm before marriage for demonic chastity status acceptance which leaves man sexually morally dry and at a loose. Circumcision in man does not destroy his body integrity and his sexual ability articulation base remains intact ready for joy. Fgm remains a deadly liability to girls’ spiritual andphysical live. Nothing more satisfying against fgm than hearing present generation of fathers say that they will never allow their daughters to be mutilated and forfeit their marital joy. Fgm lacks Godly Holy Spiritual integrity of parents and reflects men dedicated atrocities on womanhood with no compassion for womanhood. The issue of Christian men against fgm is not an affront confrontation on wives measure to sexual expectation of their husbands but a reality. A woman is not only a woman by her looks but by her Divine sexual prospects based integrity bestowed upon her that are destroyed in satanic shrines of fgm . In fgm, a girl child is widowed of her womanhood for satanic cultural cleansing. Does it require governments to ban fgm for parents to realize they commit grave honorable abomination in fgm? Can parents understand that fgm from its conception and inception was a crime against womanhood in nature? Up to when will parents linger on honorable fgm prostitution castration of young girls? In Church of Christ, ever where parents force their daughters to face the evil cut, the parents having given the devil the first sacrifice should not be ashamed to remove the blanket of etiquette and prepare their daughters to play wives (incest) to their husbands to give the devil a complete sacrifice. Let mothers who say daughters are brave enough to face the evil cut have the final honor in authority and have the daughter brave enough to meet fathers at the conception beds and give satan a due complete sacrifice without sanction. The community should not judge fathers as evil if they did not judged fathers as evil for allowing the evil cut on their daughters. It is not a greater evil than the first sacrifice. Fgm is an insult and assault to womanhood by parents. Let parents pride themselves in complete evils. The petals and stay of love are left strewn at alters of Satan. The sparkles of love cannot be rekindled. In natural world a door is provided for knocking before entry and an aerial is provided for effective communication so is the same for the girl child body by nature. Fgm prostitution is not done for the love of the girl child .This is misconception of love. There is no barbaric action done in love. Fgm prostitution is done when the sex organ of a girl child is viewed as a source of all immoralities and a center of all evils that engulf a community to satisfy men honored demonic cultural sexual whims. It is done as a sacrificial satanic proactive cleansing of a society from immoralities. They view mutilated sex organ of a girl child as clean and holy thus up rifting it’s status to satanic reverence. When the wife at the family parliament loses esteemed value to her husband due to fgm , all that pertains to the family losses value to him and this is the widest wild gate for the man that leads to lack of burden of responsibility for the family that opens the highway of family destruction by the devil. Even higher university education may not save a girl child in hands of parents gripped by satan in fgm slavery. Fgm lays social foundations for unstable marital lives. Parents are highly entrenched in prostitution with their girl child. When in demonic world parents say fgm prostitution makes a girl child clean but God says she defiled and made a prostitute. Fgm remains the annual mass overwhelming celebrated parental satanic human sacrifice for the mankind under cover of social morality ever witnessed. Ironically these parents are active in the Church who shoulder burdens for the church but with continuous unresolved marital problems a dilemma to the clergy. They are workers of Satan who have camouflaged as believers in the Church of Christ. How do they differ from magicians and witches ? Fgm prostitution castration remains the coveted sin of choice by many parents for a satanic sexual morality held in deceptive assault, insult and abuse of a girls sexual integrity held in cultural cerebrated religious manner. They pollute the land in prostitution and the land becomes full of all evils. How can a father be obsessed with the sexual organ of his daughter as a bearer of holiness in the mutilated state? It is hypocritical for him to be in a place where GOD is worshiped. Why should parents be obsessed to place the family uprightness and the country holiness in the mutilated sex organ of their girl child? After fgm is done ,the girl child is highly esteemed and it is a demonic cover up of the plight of evils done. The underworld of fgm thrives with stubborn mothers energetically engaged in executing fgm in disguise for their daughters love which leave fathers subdued, desolated and disoriented when mothers declare that they cannot stand having uncut girls beside them when satan rule supreme in womanhood. Where are the wise loving brothers to stand up without fear that will not feast and cerebrate when their dear sisters are sacrificed to satanic under world in fgm prostitution castration by their own parents? Fgm was authored in Egypt by Pharaoh as Satanic sacrifice to increase pain and wailing in child birth . The fleshy sexual coals are excavated leaving her frigid and rocky thus denying her for live time Divine marital gift which she requires in marriage for a lively marital relationship with her husband. How stupid a man may be, by instinct a man will falter in search of the fleshy coals removed in fgm thus leaving him at moral loose for unfulfilled marital mission not achievement. The fleshy coals are provided for the benefits of their marriage life. 1Corithians7: 9. The fleshy coals help a woman in marriage to lock in emotionally with her husband in a cordial cushy marital sexual relationship. Some parents send their daughters far away to close relatives for retrogressive fgm as a cover up without the girl child knowledge of the adverse side effects on her body and spirit. The onus of fgm prostitution castration atrocities is more in parents hands held captive by culture as the power house of demonic oppressive honored culture. Men should not enter into marriage in seeking vain glory of sexual competition with women which raises gain to fgm prostitution castration for men to attain sexual superiority over women since it is a Divine given equally shared joy. There should be no sexual militancy in man in marriage life. Men should not take pleasure in sexually humiliating and hurting women in fgm prostitution castration persecution . This is a demonic and the most hypocritical selfish life style for a man on earth when his heart breeds absolute anarchy and evils for womanhood. Men should not seek selfish cultural sexual competition inclinations which make women vulnerable to fgm castration atrocities. Fgm prostitution is a satanic prime reward sacrifice more tied to man as the enforcer but he does not bear the physical scaring scars sufferings women go through silently with physiological scars and no Christian should apply it in life. Christian should eliminate FGM with ability given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for in him there are no generation curses. By instinct a man’s hand lands at the garden of love and joy to prop it up at Divine state how foolish he may be. God Himself told Moses that the Israelis fathers shall not subject their daughters to fgm in honor of the dead or have sex with them making them prostitutes. Leviticus 19:28-29. Fgm is a Satanic sacrifice involving blood, soft bone and flesh and parents are more bonded to demonic world by sacrificing their girl child in fgm. It is hypocritical and mockery for parents in Church of Christ to spend their early marriage live in double standards life to perpetuate FGM and live in their twilight years as devoted loving caring parents close to the clergy having soiled their hands with the blood of their daughters in a well-planned time staged managed shedding of blood, soft bones and flesh of their daughters in fgm in early marriage life as she wade through the jungle of life for demonic chastity sacrifice acceptance . Will ever parents fathom from the bottom of their hearts the unjust physical and spiritual injuries inflicted in fgm? The girl child is deprived of her authority and integrity of her womanhood in fgm. In demonic world where men believe in their objective holiness gain for humanity based on fgm precarious life they remain at peace undisturbed . Parents pride themselves in fgm for tearing down the defense and fences of the marriage court a sacrifice to Satan. Women and girls are given to demonic world morality in fgm at the will of men which bind men more to satanic world. They do not pride and delight themselves in God. But GOD can never be mocked. Some men force their daughters to undergo fgm under guise of their mothers pressure and pleasure forgetting there are no curses for those who are in Christ Jesus. Galatians3:10-14, Proverb26:1-2. It is quite evident parents are under cultural immoral slavery siege and ready to sacrifice their daughters in fgm at altar of demonic cultures for binding community social acceptance. Fgm is the historical prostitution and plunder of womanhood bound in cultural prostitution castration respect and honor. For now wisdom desire for understanding, rescue and redemption of parents enslaved in cultural prostitution castration of their daughters in demonic culture of fgm. Let Christian parents know that fgm is a satanic sacrifice with no spiritual physical benefits or Holly honor at all. Fgm remains a monster in the hands of parents caught captive and enslaved in demonic world which the clergies are not able to handle effectively spiritually. Some religious leaders lack of spiritual knowledge that the Bible prohibits fgm has given lukewarm attitude towards fgm thus giving parents face saving values which helps the perpetuation and legitimizing of the heinous act of fgm carnage among Christians . This is the soft accommodation landing ground for many culturally strong willed parents in fgm without bashing and brushing from the preaching fraternity. When the religious leaders have a firm stand against fgm, it will be the drastic end of sexual disability in fgm brutality among Christians around the world. Come and be renewed at the throne of grace for Christ is full of love and mercy for your free sanctification and redemption. The cradle of hope in Christ Jesus radiates the inner person in peace who forgives in perfect love and cannot be deformed. Let the abundant love of Christ prevail in your yielding enabling life of righteousness in Christ Jesus. His unfailing love full of grace is sufficient for your triumph future without compromise. The Church is cleansed and perfectly restored for His own glory. Love covers multitudes of sins and weakness . Jehovah God break the yoke of Satan in fgm prostitution castration atrocities at family pillars for the fulfillment of your internal glory. AMEN. GOD OUTLAWED FGM WHICH WAS FORBIDDEN AND WRITTEN IN SPIRITUAL LANGUAGE, Leviticus 19:28-29. The message is freely given purely to the body of JESUS CHRIST worldwide. Bro. Robert Munyui Kamunyu

  43. Elton says:

    Good Day
    My question is do we have gokhonya in male or is only female and children who get affected with this disease and if we do have gokhonya in male where exactly it affect them and what are the symptoms for meal?

    • Mashudu says:

      I think that you want us to be Western people but we want to remain Vendas. It is also a disgrace when you expose our rituals this way. Our elders always known what to do and i think you should stop with your nonsense lady. Stop researching our rituals and criticize what has always work/help our people. I almost lost my daughter until my wife took her to perform those rituals and my daughter was fine. My parents and their parents have always performed them and thats the reason we are alive. I know of mothers who lost their kids as old as 10 years because of GONI, so don’t take anyone’s advice but do it because you will be the one to cry. Those who are trusting Western medicine are regretting so please spare your woman’s rights as we remain Africans. We are Vendas and know what we are doing, so back off and go to live in Western countries. This are rituals which God revealed to our Traditionalists to help our people. Vendas don’t like mixing with others because we dont want people who wanna change us or challenge us, so next time when you wanna research, target another tribe. Stop challenging our culture and customs, we grew up like that and will continue doing what we always did. I hope you listened

      • Mashudu says:

        Well said, did the researcher even go to the clinics in the villages she mentioned if there is no post-natal, or she is making assumptions. This research is misinformed, there has never been cutting of flash when treating Goni or Gokhonya. And am struggling to get how does it affect women’s sexual pleasure because noting was done to alter the vagina as a whole. Perhaps the researcher should consider to also interview traditional healers with someone who studied linguistics to avoid incorrect interpretation of Tshivenda words.

  44. […] extreme Genitalverstümmelungen in diesen Gebieten an die Öffentlichkeit gebracht werden, z.B. hier, hier, hier und hier, ignorieren westliche Orgationen wie UNICEF diese Gewaltformen völlig und […]

  45. Gawie Jacobs says:

    My reply is that clearly a lot is being done to stop this nonsense. It must stop immediately, And I would like to comment that it is in no way comparable with male circumcision. Male circumcision have none of those negative effects and actually promotes pleasure and health for both parties. So their simply is no comparison and to argue that it is good, for the women is just not true.

    • Barbie Sandler says:

      Male circumcision is done by Jews and Muslims and you never hear of a death but in the black culture sadly lots of young men die every year or lose their man hoods. So i am not saying this custom must stop but at least make suretheir schools are legitimate and that the procedure is done under sterile conditions Sdadky however the traditional leaders are not doing this and for years many young men continue to die.

  46. Innocent says:

    This is all lies stop writing stories about other people cultures you dont know

    • Khangwe says:

      I’ve never read a factually incorrect and misleading piece of academic writing like this one. This is based on hearsay rather than true research and interviews. I doubt there were any interviews conducted here. It’s a disgrace to choose sensationalism and misinformation at the expense of a beautiful practice that has helped and saved many lives. Firstly, Goni and Muthuso are treated separately. Muthuso is a ritual for babies that does not involve any cutting of the vagina, period. Goni is a condition (some) babies are born with and is spotted during Muthuso. So Muthuso is not done to prevent Goni because most babies are born without it. The two are mutually exclusive. This renders the whole paper flawed. As for Goni rituals, yes there is scrapping of rash but definitely no cutting and it is not compulsory if you don’t want you don’t. Even then not all cases require scrapping. But ultimately mother and baby get healed instantly. I am yet to hear a success story of how modern medicine cured this condition. That’s because western medicine doesn’t have a cure for this and whatever is not endorsed by western culture is barbaric right? Another misinformation is about rituals involving nonyana where women’s clitoris gets cut, for goodness sake what is nonyana? We dont even have that word in Venda. It’s most probably a Sotho word. Somebody must have narrated this as a folklore to the author because nobody’s clitoris ever gets cut in South Africa as a whole. And lastly, there is post natal care in South Africa. When a baby is 3 days old, those who gave birth in public hospitals, are required to take the baby to the clinic to check the well being of both mother and child and every month after this. This dissertation is a disgrace and should be revoked by UP because it contains malicious lies that undermine other cultures and shows poor understanding of the topic. It also smacks of bias as well. FGM is a serious issue and requires robust discussion but in this case it is irrelevant.

      • Mashudu says:

        Well said, Khangwe, did the researcher even go to the clinics in the villages she mentioned if there is no post-natal, or she is making assumptions. This research is misinformed, there has never been cutting of flash when treating Goni or Gokhonya. And am struggling to get how does it affect women’s sexual pleasure because noting was done to alter the vagina as a whole. Perhaps the researcher should consider to also interview traditional healers with someone who studied linguistics to avoid incorrect interpretation of Tshivenda words.

  47. Barbie Sandler says:

    I saw a programme on TV where young girls were being taken off to a circumcision school. I thought this practise was not allowed in SA but the people taking the young girls and the parents were all complicit in this and didnt seem to mind they were being photographed by journalists ? Of course sadly that is SA today. Laws are broken on a daily basis without too much worry. But this FGM needs to be stopped before it takes off . Already one young girl has died/. Do we want lots of young girls to be mutilated and die before we do anything ?? It’s is surprising in this day and age that mothers who have had it done to themselves and know what’s they went through will allow their young daughters to go through this ceremony. They are scarred for life.

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