Effect of prayer camps for people with psychosocial disabilities in Kenya

william_asekaAuthor: William Aseka
Human Rights Lawyer

In Kenya, popular beliefs associate mental disability with paranormal phenomena or spiritual manifestations. Prayer camps set up by pastors offer care to mentally disabled people and their families. In these camps, as it will be discussed in detail in this article the “care” provided is not appropriate in terms of the standards and protocols of mental health services. According to a World Health Organisation report, in 2017, Kenya was ranked fifth among African countries with elevated cases of depression. The study found that at least two million people suffer from depression. In addition, Kenya has one general hospital (Mathari National Teaching and Referral Hospital) and 14 psychiatric units in general hospitals capable of treating mental health conditions. It is also estimated that Kenya has about 116 psychiatrists for a population of about 50 million. This translates to one psychiatrist serving at least 400,000 people with mental disabilities.

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