Lost in Faith: The Growing Menace of Religious Fanaticism in Africa and the Need for Intervention

Murithi-AntonyAuthor: Murithi Antony
LL.B candidate, University of Embu

Religious freedom is a cherished right we uphold,
But when it’s misused, the consequences unfold.
Ideologies that propagate self-harm and hate,
Demand constant vigilance before it’s too late!


Religion is a system of faith and worship centered around a belief in a supreme being and a set of moral or ethical principles. It encompasses a way of life that provides hope, guidance, and even companionship to many individuals. Religion serves as a source of strength, comfort, and meaning, especially for individuals who seek to understand their place in the world and the purpose of their existence. Religion influences people’s thoughts, actions, and their relationships with others. Such characteristics of religion has made several believers to engage in extreme and controversial actions, including among others; human sacrifices, fasting to the point of death, and terrorism, believing that they will receive eternal rewards from their deity. Such is what is depicted as religious fanaticism, which must be regulated for the sake of sanity and protection of fundamental human rights in society. Upon this background, this article aims to analyse the status of religious freedom in Africa, the impact of the emergence of religious fanaticism, and advocate for intervention.

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