Beyond Crisis: The State of Access to Information and the Internet for Rural Dwellers in South Africa

Ompha-TshamanoAuthor: Ompha Tshamano
Project Associate, Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria

1 Overview

South Africa has a long history of socio-economic underdevelopment, largely resulting from the sustained effects of apartheid. Despite the end of apartheid, the position of rural communities in South Africa remains precarious, with limited access to resources and infrastructure. The creation of Bantustans during apartheid further exacerbated economic disparities amongst different racial groups, leading to poverty, inequality, and unemployment. Slow technological adoption and development in South African rural areas also contribute to limited access to information and restricted opportunities. This situation has resulted in the maintenance of the status quo, with socio-economic underdevelopment and inequality continuing to be major challenges in post-apartheid South Africa. In this context, this article seeks to critically examine the state of access to information for rural dwellers in South Africa and the initiatives being taken to improve this situation.

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Pay or be denied: The impact of fees and charges on journalists’ perception of the effectiveness of Ghana’s Right to Information Law

Kwaku-Krobea-AsanteAuthor: Kwaku Krobea Asante
Senior Programme Officer, Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA)


There has been a global upsurge in the demand for transparency, accountability and the establishment of norms in favour of democracy [1].  These norms include the passage of universal Access to Information (ATI) laws and the respect for the right to access information across the world[2].

In Africa, the adoption of the Model Law of Access to Information for Africa in 2013 was a response to emerging questions about widening inequality, widespread poverty, corruption and lack of accountability in public office. Indeed, the model law is consistent with other relevant laws including the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the African Charter).

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